//--> Thank you for visiting my web site, I am currently a Ph


Thank you for visiting my web site, I am currently a Ph.D. candidate

in Laboratoire G�ie Informatique et Ing�ierie de Production of l'Ecole des Mines dAl� 

and Laboratoire dInformatique, Syst�es, Traitement de lInformation et de la Connaissance of Universit�de Savoie

Contact me at afef.denguir@ema.fr


Areas of Interest:

Multi criteria and multi actor decision making:


Work Adress:
EMA, LGI2P, Site EERIE, Parc Scientifique G.Besse, 30035 N�es Cedex 1 France.

Work Phone: +33 4 66 38 40 07

Work Fax: +33 4 66 38 70 74

Email: afef.denguir@ema.fr ; afef.denguir@univ-savoie.fr 






         Denguir-Rekik, G. Mauris, J. Montmain (2006). Propagation of uncertainty by the possibility theory in a Choquet integral based Decision making for an E-commerce website choice support IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2006, pp. 721-728. [abstract]

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